SMAC338 Go Around!

Runway Incursions, unstable approaches, and simple misjudgment during landing are the main reasons we need to go around, but are you ready to execute a go-around maneuver properly? In my over 25 years of instructing recreational, business, and airline pilots, I have noticed a consistent trend: we don’t perform discontinued approaches very well. In this episode, we discuss how and why you should go around. Additionally, we will give you tips and tricks to execute the go-around maneuver safely and properly.



Visit our sponsor Stratus Financial – Where Dreams Take Flight. Stratus Financial offers loans for pilot training, and they understand your needs because they are pilots! You can find more at

Whether financing your dream of flying or simplifying the process by taking care of your student loans, their efficient, hassle-free funding can connect you to the life of your dreams of becoming a professional pilot sooner than you ever thought possible! To find out more, click here:

As a sponsor of this podcast, Stratus Financial is giving away scholarship guides, and you can get yours for free using the coupon code “Stratus” when you visit

Cruise Flight:

Accident Analysis:

Talking Points:

  • Why should you discontinue an approach?
  • Make the decision! Like Yoda says, “Do, or do not.”
  • Tools to better see and avoid objects on the ground and in the air during landing.
  • The difference between a go-around and a discontinued approach.
  • Configuration challenges.
  • Go Around is a normal procedure to be practiced.
  • Power, Pitch, Configure.
  • Programming the electronics comes last.
  • Brief the go-around on every approach.

After Landing Checklist:

Pick Of The Week:

James –

Carl –

Bill –

Tom – Eufy Doorbell Camera



Upcoming Events and Air Shows:

Sun N Fun April 1-6, 2025
Booth A-41

Live From Sun N Fun: April 5, 6 pm at Sun N Fun

SMAC337 Think Like A Pilot with Bobby Dutton

As pilots, we learn many skills and thought processes to accomplish our unique mission of exploring the world in an amazing environment passing through the air. The thought process of being a pilot can play a key role in the cockpit but also benefits us in our personal and business lives. Bobby Dutton is a passionate aviator who has enabled many through his keynotes to translate the skills and passion we as pilots use to guide us towards an amazing airborne journey to an amazing life here on the ground.


Visit our sponsor Stratus Financial – Where Dreams Take Flight. Stratus Financial offers loans for pilot training and they understand your needs because they are pilots! you can find more at

Whether financing your dream of flying or simplifying the process by taking care of your student loans, their efficient, hassle-free funding can connect you to the life of your dreams of becoming a professional pilot sooner than you ever thought possible! To find out more

As a sponsor of this podcast, Stratus Financial is giving away scholarship guides and you can get yours for free using the coupon code “Stratus” when you visit

Cruise Flight:

Talking Points:

Bobby’s Passion for Aviation.
How he transforms lives based on lessons in the air.
How to manage stress in life like a pilot.
Efficiency in the air and on the ground.
How to reach Bobby.
What is next for Bobby in the air and on the ground?

After Landing Checklist:


Upcoming Events and Air Shows:

Sun N Fun April 1-6, 2025
Booth A-41