SMAC267 Should I Obtain A Complex Endorsement in 2021?


Welcome to episode 267. Today we will discuss a question I get from various listeners of all our podcasts “Should I obtain a complex endorsement in 2021?” We will discuss why you should obtain a complex endorsement, how to train for the endorsement, and tips for instructors teaching in complex aircraft.

Preflight Checklist:

Sponsor : 

App-based aviation radio simulator is an easy way to gain radio proficiency in both VFR and IFR. 

Use the coupon code “PlaneEnglishSim” for free one-year access to the online Aerospace Scholarships guide. Links to the aerospace scholarships guide and the coupon code are in the show notes. There are a limited number of coupons so visit and use the code PlaneEnglishSim today. 

Cruise Flight: 

I am Carl Valeri and today we will answer the question “should I obtain a complex endorsement in 2021”. Joining me today to answer this question is Tom Frick, and Bill English.

  • Why you should obtain a complex endorsement.
  • Is the complex endorsement still relevant?
  • Our experiences with operating complex aircraft.
    • Don’t make the 6 o’clock news.
    • Forgetting to put the gear down.
    • Even professional crews forget.
    • The cost of not putting the gear down.
  • What you might think is complex and is not.
    • DA40?
    • 182?
    • 182RG? 

  • What is a complex aircraft?
    • Airplane flying handbook -An aircraft with retractable landing gear, flaps, and a controllable-pitch propeller, or is turbine powered.
    • 61.1 Complex airplane means an airplane that has retractable landing gear, flaps, and a controllable pitch propeller, including airplanes equipped with an engine control system consisting of a digital computer and associated accessories for controlling the engine and propeller, such as a full authority digital engine control; or, in the case of a seaplane, flaps and a controllable pitch propeller, including seaplanes equipped with an engine control system consisting of a digital computer and associated accessories for controlling the engine and propeller, such as a full authority digital engine control.
  • Examples.
  • How you should train.
    • Use of FTD’s and simulators.
  • Controllable pitch prop.
  • Is there a minimum number of hours for training?
  • Tips for flying complex aircraft.
    • Carl’s GIFT of flight after takeoff check.
    • GUMPS
  • Advice to flight instructors.
    • The endorsement.
    • Systems.
    • Emergency procedures

After Landing Checklist:

Picks Of The Week:

Carl – Constant Speed Prop video on YouTube. 

Bill –  Aircraft Systems For Pilots 

Tom –

Links Mentioned In This Podcast:

SMAC260 Too Much Information


Welcome to Episode 260. We all love modern electronics in our aircraft, but are you managing the information effectively? In a cockpit that looks like the display floor at Best Buy, with multiple devices that all can tell you where you are, where you’re going, and when you’ll get there, how do you choose which features and settings are best for your flying?

We’re not going into what to do when the automation breaks down, there have already been plenty of discussions about that – in this episode, we will talk about our best tips and practices for how to be organized and efficient when using today’s technology. And that means anything from a fully decked out glass cockpit in a technically advanced aircraft, to an old taildragger with portable devices suctioned to the panel.

Before we begin a quick word from our sponsor.

Preflight Checklist:

Please consider becoming a patron. Every dollar we raise goes towards giving away a scholarship guide through our Pay It Forward Campaign. Please visit: 

With over $120 Million in aerospace scholarships, we are the largest online directory. Be part of changing people’s lives by investing in others and becoming a patron by visiting

News And Announcements:

New CFI job for Carl.

Cruise Flight (Talking Points): 

The modern cockpit – PFDs, MFDs, touch screen navigators, EIS, an iPad (or two) ADS-B devices with AHRS….  Redundancy or confusion? This is a critical part of SRM – single-pilot resource management.

“Manual of arms” Different manufacturers work a little differently – do the same thing but small changes in buttonology can be very confusing.

Breaking down the functions. “Function stacking”. Each device (or section of the device) has a primary and a backup job

The iPad is your chart – it’s electronically moving its finger along the paper. 

The PFD controls the airplane – up/down/left-right.

The MFD or touchscreen navigator is part of your “radios” – remember when we used to have to dial in VORs!!

And they each back the others up in case of a failure.

Keeping the info organized.

Keep your eyes up – scan/3 taps

Don’t be “flying the iPad” 

Make a routine for which screens you use for various phases of flight

Keeping the cockpit clean and organized.

iPad mounts

Cords and cables



Keeps you efficient, and out of the way in case you need to get out

Adding devices to a steam gauge airplane – what jobs do the electronics take over – primary/backup?

Other tips

After Landing Checklist:

PIcks Of The Week:

Carl – Aviation Weather Services: FAA-AC00-45H (the softcover version)


Sean – Vickers VC10 mobile home, 737 coming soon

Tom – FAASafety WINGS –

Eric –

Links Mentioned In This Podcast: