In this photo you’ll see a very exaggerated example of a wind correction heading used to maintain our desired track. The course flown was 323 degrees with a wind correction heading of 303 degrees, a 20 degree difference. You’ll also notice we had a left quartering headwind at 144 knots in speed. That explains our large wind correction angle.
Category: Aviation Photos
Aviation Photos
Photos: Cruising the Southeast
These are some photos I was able to snap this past week on a few of my trips. The never-ending adventure that is corporate aviation took me on a tour of the southeast this week in a few different airplanes, going from NC to FL and back twice, and back and forth across NC itself a couple times as well. These particular photos were taken from the cockpit of a Beechcraft Premier business jet, and then on the ground of the Cessna 208 Grand Caravan before I flew it. Enjoy!
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– Jonathan