SMAC121 Safety and The Selfie Generation

Pre-Flight Checklist:

SenneSelfieCarl, Rick, Russ, and Tom are here tonight to talk about the passion of aviation and electronic devices. Tonight’s sponsor is Aviation Careers Podcast, which provides aviation scholarships, career coaching, and interview prep. If you are looking to get a new rating come check us out!

Cruise Flight:

Tonight Carl is going to play an interview he did with Senne from, which is a growing pilot community. Senne is from Belgium, and is 20 years old. He started training on gliders at 12 years old, his airplane training when he was 14, and did his first solo at 16. His airfield is ETBN, which is a former military airport being used by a flying club.

The second topic comes from Rick, based on a story he found about taking selfies doing almost everything, including aviation.

  • It’s great to take videos and pictures, showing your passion for aviation. However there is a time and a place for it, and safety issues that need to be considered.
  • In addition to distractions taking photos while flying, there are legal issues about transferring photos to the internet while flying.
  • Russ recommended having another person in the plane take the photo, but definitely don’t take the photo in a heavy workload part of the flight.
  • Rick discussed setting up video cameras in his plane during pre-flight, then leaving them alone until parked.
  • There are different rules for Airline Pilots than in General Aviation.
  • There are ways to attach cameras to the outside of a plane, but you must do it properly.
  • When GPS first came out, people were concerned about distractions. Today, there are lots more devices such as iPads, but they must be pre-flighted as well.

After Landing Checklist:

Rick Felty YouTube Channel

We have a new contributor named Mandi sending us great photos. Check out her Instagram page.

~Pick of the Week~

No picks this week, as this is an interview show.

SMAC119 Getting The Most Out Of Your Flight Review

MandiBFR smallerPre-Flight Checklist:

Welcome aviators and avgeeks. We have a special show for you today focusing on a very important topic you will discuss during your entire flying life. The topic is an idea from our co host Russ Roslewski.

Cruise Flight:

Russ asked why don’t we talk about about flight reviews? Specifically, as the pilot, how to make sure you’re getting something out of it, it’s effective, worthwhile and
educational instead of just maneuver practice? Good Questions Russ!

As a CFI, I love it when prospective flight reviews come to me with
specific areas they know they need to work on. But, unfortunately, few ever actually do. Many probably don’t even realize that they can have input to the Flight Review – they just show up, get quizzed for an hour, fly steep turns, stalls and a few landings and get signed off for another 2 years. Instead, they should help make it tailored to their needs.

After Landing Checklist:

~Pick of the Week~

Russ – Google Books – Flying Magazine Archives A great resource for free flying articles and information.

Victoria – UAS/UAV Insurance Flying drones still can incur liability, this is how you protect yourself.

Carl – Deland Sport Aviation Village and Showcase November 3-5, 2016 is the air show/expo, but also a commercial village to promote the growth of Sport Aviation.

Tom – FAA Wings Program The FAA’s safety program.

Rick – Tabitha Fink On A Mission To Mars Rick’s second kids book about a cat going to Mars and is geared for first to third graders.

Sean – MissHattan – Amazing photos from above

Links Mentioned In This Podcast:

Currency Requirements and Guidance for the Flight Review and Instrument Proficiency Check

Conducting an Effective Flight Review FAA

Photo Credit:

Pilot Mandi