SMAC287 Beyond the IFR Checkride, Part 2

Welcome to episode 287. In this episode, we continue our series of IFR questions that started in Part 1, episode 245, and discuss a few questions many have discussed online:

“If I go around below MDA, am I in protected airspace?”
“Is there a “non-protected side” of a holding pattern?”
“The Missed Approach Point doesn’t mean you can land from there!”

We answer these questions coming up next.

Preflight Checklist:

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Cruise Flight:

Joining me today are Russ Roslewski, Tom Frick, and Chris Pezalla.

Talking Points:

  1. “If I go around below MDA, am I in protected airspace?”
  2. “Is there a “non-protected side” of a holding pattern?”
  3. “The Missed Approach Point doesn’t mean you can land from there!”
  4. Why these questions.

After Landing Checklist:

Pick of the week –

Carl Valeri – Pilot’s Guide to US Airport Operations book by Chris Pezalla.

Russ Roslewski – Catkiller 3-2: An Army Pilot Flying for the Marines in the Vietnam War

Chris Pezalla – Bermuda high soaring in SC

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