SMAC313 Leslie Caubble and her collaborative effort to increase knowledge in the flight instructor community.

Whether you want to become a better flight instructor or are new to the world of aviation instruction, there is someone who has started a grassroots,
collaborative venue for you. Leslie Caubble is one of my favorite flight instructors and aviation mentors because she cares about the advancement of others in the pursuit of excellence in aviation.

I am excited to have her also join us as a new co-host on the Stuck Mic AvCast. We will explore her aviation journey and her new aviation home.

Before we begin a quick reminder the new 2024 version of the scholarship guide has been published and is available by clicking on the scholarships guide on the right side of the screen at

Cruise Flight:

Why Leslie loves helping others pursue their dream of becoming a pilot.
Leslie’s family has a history in aviation.
How she started.
Flying in Hawaii
How aviation made a difference in Hawaii
Her next adventure.
Helping Flight instructors advance in their profession.
“You are a great resource for a check ride review and filling a void! I feel more confident in my preparation and that I have the tools necessary to be successful.” – Matt L., CFI student


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April 9-14 2024:

SMAC297 Carl Upgrades To Captain On The Airbus A320

Welcome to episode 297 this is Russ Roslewski, not Carl with a cold. It has been a while since we’ve recorded, but for good reason – In today’s episode We switch seats! Bill English and I are going to interview Carl about his recent upgrade to Captain. Hopefully, you will learn from his experience and learn how to prepare for your next rating.  

Preflight Checklist:

Speaking of helping people reach their goals, a special shout out to the sponsor of this episode Many of you listen to this podcast to help understand aviation terms and their proper pronunciation in English. Well, there is an app for that. PlaneEnglishSim is the App-based aviation radio simulator and an easy way to gain radio proficiency in both VFR and IFR. 

Use the coupon code “PlaneEnglishSim” for free one-year access to the online Aerospace Scholarships guide. Links to the aerospace scholarship guide and the coupon code are in the show notes. There are a limited number of coupons so visit and use the code PlaneEnglishSim today. 

Cruise Flight: 

  • Good to be back podcasting again and why we have been silent.
  • Upgrading at an Airline. There is more than you think.
  • The Process.
    • Why the Short course
    • Why is training “reset” during the process?
    • Why no 8710 for me but the FO needed one.
    • How was the training different for a Captain vs. an FO?
    • How had training changed since the last time you did it?
  • What is next?
  • Advice in preparing for your next rating.

After Landing Checklist:

Pick Of The Week:

Carl – 

Russ – 3 Feet to the Left: A New Captain’s Journey from Pursuit to Perspective –

Bill – 


Many of you listen to this podcast to help understand aviation terms and their proper pronunciation in English. Well, there is an app for that. PlaneEnglishSim is an App-based aviation radio simulator and an easy way to gain radio proficiency in both VFR and IFR. 

Use the coupon code “PlaneEnglishSim” for free one-year access to the online Aerospace Scholarships guide. Links to the aerospace scholarship guide and the coupon code are in the show notes. There are a limited number of coupons so visit and use the code PlaneEnglishSim today. 

Links Mentioned: