This is a short video shot by co-host Rick Felty from his Bird Dog interview with tailwheel pilot extraordinaire, Paul Santopietro, as they line up for approach and landing on Runway 36 at Cranland Airport, MA (28M).
If you missed the audio interview that accompanied this video, check it out, as Rick asks Paul all about tailwheel flying while conducting this interview in cruise flight. That audio segment is available: Episode #32a – Flying Tailwheel with Paul Santopietro.
Recently co-host Len Costa had a chance to fly a Cirrus SR22 G3 with Maui Flight Academy in Maui, Hawaii. The flight originated in Maui’s Kahului Airport (PHOG) making a $100 hamburger run to the island of Lanai (PHNY) where we took a shuttle bus trip up the mountain to the Four Seasons hotel for a very delicious and scenic lunch before continuing on to Molokai for a touch and go at Kaluapapa (PHLU).
This video is departing Lanai with some over water flight and sightseeing before descending over the breathtaking sea cliffs of Molokai as we descend into Kaluapapa for a touch and go. Sadly the camera malfunctioned right on short final but not before capturing the most amazing scenic visuals I’ve ever seen while flying! If you must waste 7 minutes watching any flying video, this is the one to dazzle your eyes and your imagination. Get on it.