Bonanza Demo Flight & Gusty Go Arounds

So the story goes something like this… I was on a commercial flight from Boston to Los Angeles and happened to strike up a conversation with my seat mate. Turns out this particular seat mate, Jeff, is an aircraft owner and flies a Beechcraft Bonanza for pleasure. This is when I learned he was planning a journey from New England over the North Atlantic over to Greenland, yes, the country.

He got to asking me if I knew of ways to record video so that he could capture these incredible flying moments for remembrance sake. Enter the GoPro Hero 2 that I was carrying in my backpack! You’ve all heard me talk about the GoPro Hero 2 (affiliate link), the mountable and wearable sports action video camera. So I showed Jeff how the camera worked and even told him about the special propeller case I had created to eliminate propeller artifacting. Then, the coolest thing happened! Jeff says to me, “Next time your in New England, look me up and we’ll go flying.”

Naturally, I did just that. Jeff picked me up in Nashua, NH at Boire Field KASH in his F33A Bonanza for a little scenic flight, some camera testing, and then the obligatory (and delicious) $100 lobster omelets in Sanford, ME KSFM. What you’re seeing is the video we recording from Nashua, NH KASH as we flew north towards Laconia, NH KLCI, then turning easterly over Lake Winnipesaukee for Sanford, ME KSFM.

The video starts out on the ground at KASH from the ramp as we taxi out for runup and departure. Since Jeff and I have never flown together before, nor have I piloted a Bonanza ever in my life, I brief Jeff on our roles as Pilot In Command and Passenger. We depart on our flight plan as stated above. You’ll get to see our departure from KASH, parts of our flight over KLCI and Lake Winnipesaukee, and our approach to landing at KSFM including my gusty wind go-around. The video contains plenty of Air Traffic Control audio and other aircraft radio transmissions.

Being my first time in any Bonanza, combined with the strong gusty winds, I certainly felt a bit out of place and almost disoriented in the aircraft, mostly with the layout and positing of the flight controls. You can hear me talk more about that in Episode #25 of the Stuck Mic AvCast, our aviation podcast about Learning to Fly, Living to Fly, and Loving To Fly.

So enough talking and back to the video!

Cruising the Alaska Talkeetna Range in a Super Cub on Skis

This video is for sure a long time coming. Some of you may recall that back in February of 2012 I spent some time up in Alaska flying in my friends Super Cub. This trip was particularly more special than my last visit because the airplane had it’s bush wheels removed and replaced with a set of skis for winter fun and flying. So when CJ told me about the skis on his plane, I knew I had to get to Alaska ASAP!

My previous visit was in August 2010 where we did some summer style bush flying landing on gravel bars, mountain tops, and even camping out on a glacier overnight. Yup, a glacier! You can do that kind of stuff in Alaska. Actually, funny side story here… while snow mobiles are NOT allowed within Denali National Park during the winter months, airplanes ARE! How cool is that?

But I digress so back to the story at hand. Arriving in Anchorage in February, we drove north to Talkeetna where we stayed in a cabin at the Meandering Moose Lodge. Oh the memories! Middle-of-the-night walks from town, intoxicated on good times and local microbrews, trekking through snowmobile trails in the darkness of a the Alaskan winter sky. But you’re here about the flying and not my social exploits, of course.

In this particular video we depart from Willow, AK and headed easterly out to the Talkeetna Mountain Range for some sightseeing. HOLY SHIT what a view! Most spectacular flying experience I’ve ever had hands down. Cruising down the valleys, crossing ridge lines, and coasting downslope were some of my favorite parts. But you can see all that for yourself in this video above.

Now I know this video is kind of long pushing the 40 minute mark BUT it’s worth EVERY MINUTE for the spectacular views and cool flying experience. Skip around if you have to, you won’t regret it. My friend Chris told me, “Just awesome! Watched it with my kids. It’s the first time they sat through a aviation vid without any complaints! 4 and 6 yr old. Great job!” If kids like it, so will you.

One last thing, if you want to hear me talk more about the the aspects of ski plane flying including my flight lessons and jumping out of the airplane to stop it from colliding into other objects on the icy taxiway then listen to Episode #21 of the Stuck Mic AvCast about Fly It Forward Recap, Planes-Trains-Automobiles, & Alaskan Ski-Plane Adventures.