SMAC312 Managing Traffic Stops as a Pilot

As a pilot who loves to fly, we try to protect our hobby through prudent planning, budgeting, and training. I often get asked questions about what to do when pulled over by the police to protect our pilot certificate. Should I take the sobriety test or not?

To help me answer this question is Chris Pezalla from the Law Offices of Robert M. Strumor, LLC. Chris is an airline pilot and aviation attorney who has been a frequent guest on this and our sister podcast Aviation Careers Podcast.

Before we begin a quick reminder that the new 2024 version of the scholarship guide has been published and is available by clicking on the scholarships guide on the right side of the screen at

Cruise Flight:

If I am pulled over and asked to take a sobriety test, what should I do?

Be professional and truthful. Anything you say can end up in a police report.

Always take the breathalyzer and blood tests. This advice is specific to pilots.

Failing to get a BAC alcohol level recorded will cost you your medical certificate.

Even if pleading guilty to the DUI, get a blood alcohol test.

14 C.F.R. § 61.15(e), which mandates that all Pilots, Flight Instructors, and Ground Instructors certified under FAR Part 61 to report any Motor Vehicle Action (MVA) related to drugs or alcohol to the FAA in writing within 60 calendar days.

The 60-day period begins when your driver’s license is revoked.

What is a roadside suspension?

Can I wait until after my court case to file the 60-day report? (No)

Considerations for Light Sport, BasicMed, and Class III medical.

Reporting on your next (and all future medical applications).


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SMAC214 Do You Need An Aviation Attorney

aviation attorneyDo you need an Aviation Attorney? Welcome to a special edition of the Stuck Mic AvCast. Recently we have received feedback from many of our listeners concerning a situation where they have received a letter from the FAA concerning their medical exam. We also have had a few folks who have been concerned about recent accidents, incidents, and violations.

Today we have with us Chris Pezalla, an aviation attorney and airline pilot to discuss when you should consider using an aviation attorney and what to do if you receive a letter from the FAA or have been involved in an incident, accident, or possible violation. When it comes to either your medical certificate or your pilot certificate, dealing with an FAA issue can be stressful. There are many organizations and resources available to help you through this trying time.

Preflight Checklist:

First a quick word from our sponsor.

Cruise Flight (Aviation Attorney):

  • Christian Pezalla Esq.
  • Law Offices of Robert Strumor
  • Florida and New Mexico
  • Overview
  • Chris went to law school
  • Differences in thinking between pilots and lawyers
  • What is aviation law?
  • State vs. Federal
  • AOPA Legal Plan
  • Lawyer Pilot Bar Association
  • Central Florida AME
  • What happened?
  • Who’s affected?
  • What should a pilot do?
  • Where can a pilot find help?
  • How can my union help?
  • Going forward
  • Chris working for major US carrier
  • Chris going to grad school again.

After Landing Checklist:

Picks Of The Week:

No picks of the week since this is an interview show.

Links Mentioned In The Podcast:

Christian Pezalla