SMAC232 VFR into IMC – Prevention and Survival

VFR into IMC

Welcome to the show about learning to fly, living to fly, and loving to fly. The recent accident of a helicopter crashing into the side of the mountain in California causes us to reflect as pilots on how we could prevent this from happening to us. Today we discuss VFR into IMC, statistics, prevention, and survival when we find ourselves flying IMC while VFR.

Disclaimer: Due to the sensitive nature of this accident certain members of this podcast cannot participate in this episode.  In no way do we represent any positions or statements made by members this podcast not present for this episode.

Before we get started a few words from our sponsor. 

Preflight Checklist:

First a quick word from our sponsor. – Scholarships, Career Coaching, and Interview Preparation. 

The most recent update includes 56 new scholarships and 10 updates

If you become a Patron of the podcast we give away one scholarship guide for every 10 dollars we raise. You can truly make a difference in a person’s aviation journey by becoming a Patron of the podcast. To find out more please visit or click on the link on our website.

News And Announcements:

Our next live event is Sun N Fun Aerospace Expo March 31 to April 5th.

Cruise Flight:

Listener Mail From Victoria.

“With the unfortunate accident with Kobe Bryant, there’s a discussion on Pilots of America about whether synthetic vision would have helped.  I think this might make for an interesting topic on the AvCast. I do wonder if the synthetic vision would be any help in those situations, and would it make the “178 seconds to live” scenario a thing of the past?  Or if activating an autopilot with an auto-level (or even 180-degree heading feature) would have helped in that situation.  

On my Sportcruiser, I changed the Garmin 496 to a Garmin Aera 660 and my AHRS source is from a GDL-39 3D unit.  I also upgraded my autopilot to the TruTrak Vizion with auto-level feature (before the Bendix King acquisition).  I don’t ever plan to fly into clouds, or beyond twilight conditions, but I know things happen, so having the Aera 660 with synthetic vision provides some relief, though I hope to never have to use it in those conditions.

Thank you again!”

Sikorsky Helicopter Crash in California.

Kobe Bryant Crash Reignites TAWS, FDR And CVR Discussion

VFR into IMC.

Accident Statistics.


Surviving an accidental flight into IMC.

Get with an instructor to demonstrate VFR into IMC in a sim or using foggles. 

Flying over water at night.


After Landing Checklist:

Pics Of The Week:

Carl – Manifesto: A Revolutionary Approach to General Aviation Maintenance

Tom – Sun n Fun Radio –

Russ – Opposing Bases podcast –

Links Mentioned In The Podcast:

Kobe Bryant Crash Reignites TAWS, FDR And CVR Discussion

FAR 91.157

AIM 4.4-6

SMAC223 Multi-Engine Safety and Listener Mail.

Multi Engine

Multi-Engine Safety and Listener Mail. Welcome to the show about learning to fly, living to fly, and loving to fly.

Preflight Checklist:

First a quick word from our sponsor. – Scholarships, Career Coaching, and Interview Preparation. 

News And Announcements:

Listener mail:

Listener mail (Russ) – do ICAO equipment codes matter for VFR flight following/radar services?

I’m an active-duty soldier working in Army Aviation and transitioning to civilian life. For as long as I can remember I’ve had a strong interest in flying. I’ve always been drawn to aviation in general. Until recently I had continued to put off my pursuit of aviation for financial reasons or whatever other excuses I had at the time. I enlisted as a rotorcraft mechanic hoping to get at least some form of a fix. It’s been great. I wanted more but still had too many excuses.

I was deployed for a while and didn’t have much to do in my off-time other than listen to podcasts or watch movies. So I thought I’d take a look and find all the aviation-related podcasts and at least learn a few things. Needless to say, in my time there I managed to listen to and catch up on nearly every episode of about 35 podcasts. It’s amazing how quickly you can get through content when you listen at double speed while working 12-hour shifts. I have more notes written in my notebooks than I know what to do with.

When I returned stateside I got my first class medical and enrolled in a flight training program. I’m also beginning my airframe and power-plant certificate next week as part of my exit program from active duty. I couldn’t be happier. 12 years since my first flight and I’m finally pursuing my goals. 29 feels like a late start, but so long as I can fly you’ll never see me without a smile on my face again.

The scholarship guide, the countless episodes of pointers, the stories from other pilots, advice on ways to accomplish flight training, the different ways to build time, recommended products or strategies, and the encouraging words from all the podcasters out there have been an invaluable resource. I’m still not entirely sure which route I want to take with my career. I have made it my goal to get through all my ratings, and give back to the community at the very least. If I can just influence one person the way all of you influenced me; whatever I do in aviation will be worth it.

Thank you all so much for everything you put into the community. You’ve really lit a fire under me. Keep putting out all that amazing content!

Cruise Flight:

Russ’s oil leak and turbo failure in a piston twin. 

Are twins safer than single-engine aircraft?

How to become a proficient multi-engine pilot.

The risks we may not be aware of when considering flying a twin.

After Landing Checklist:

Picks Of The Week:

Carl – Aviation Maintenance Technician Handbook: Powerplant: FAA-H-8083-32A

Russ – Max Trescott’s Aviation News Talk Podcast:

Victoria – LewDix Aviation YouTube, specifically the Instructing the Instructor episodes:

Links Mentioned In The Podcast: