NOTAMs Audio Interview: Adam Howley of

In this video you’ll hear me interviewing Adam Howley, owner and creator of This interview is another installment in the Notice To Airmen Interview Series by where I sit down with various aviation business owners to learn about their products and services.

Join us to learn how how Adam got started in aviation, transitioning from New Zealand pilot to Australian pilot, the idea for this website, his hope for future growth, and a whole bunch more!

Enjoy the dialog between Len and Adam as they discuss their passion for flying anything they can get their hands on and achieving more ratings whenever possible.

See what @Haqnoor called, “Nice interview guys. Lots of food for thought. Thanks!”

NOTAMs Video Interview: Do You Airplanista?

*** High Definition: It’s where it’s at – Click To Watch***

You may remember him as Av8rDan on Twitter but his transition from blogger to aviation publisher has made Dan Pimentel a trusted source and one of aviation’s newest go-to-guys for top quality stories and photography. Just open Airplanista Magazine, an all-digital publication, and you’ll instantly know exactly what I’m talking about when your eyes are stunned by the majesty of the magazine cover alone.

Dan had been blogging about aviation for roughly 7 years before realizing he had reached the apex of his website traffic. Armed with 900 some odd blog posts and the name idea Airplanista, similar to fashionista, or barista, Dan transformed the Av8rDan blog into a highly respected online publication in a matter of 8 months. Stumbling upon the platform currently used to distribute this monthly digital magazine, Pimentel had finally found what he calls his “next step in blogging.”

No stranger to publishing, Dan has created various media works and articles since his journey into journalism began back in 1974. As a founding Director of Celeste/Daniels advertising agency in Oregon, Pimentel uses his skill, experience, and expertise to orchestrate Airplanista Magazine in his spare time.

Enjoy this video interview with Dan to learn more about his humble beginnings and his future plans for Airplanista!

Clear Skies & Calm Winds,

Len @