SMAC302 How The FAA Flight Inspection Group Insures Our Safety – Interview with A Flight Check Pilot

Welcome to episode 302. Today we discuss how the FAA’s Flight Inspection Group, better known to us pilots as “Flight Check”, insures our safety during instrument approaches. Joining us today is our co-host and flight check pilot Russ Roslewski to give us an inside look at what flight inspection is and what it is like to fly as a flight inspection pilot.

Preflight Checklist:


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Cruise Flight: 

  • What is Flight Inspection?
  • ACP348.
  • How does flight inspection benefit the general aviation pilot?
  • What planes do you fly?
  • What does a typical week’s mission consist of?
  • What types of maneuvers and flight profiles do you fly?
  • Why are ground-based navigation aids relevant and will they be in the future?
  • Why should we be thankful to hear the call sign “Flight Check” and not think of it as an inconvenience to our flying?
  • We wanted to include Russ Roslewski’s most challenging approach to add to our last episode.

After Landing Checklist:

Pick Of The Week:

Carl – Facebook Old Farts Flying Club 

Russ – “Quick Aviation Reads” by Sylvia Wrigley (6 book series):


“Tailwind Waymakers is a non-profit founded to help fund aviation dreams. So whether you could use some help funding your aviation training or if you would like to WIN a new airplane, check out

Use coupon code TailwindWaymakers and get a free scholarships guide while supplies last at:


SMAC301 What Is Your Most Challenging Approach?

Welcome to episode 301. One of my favorite aviators because of his passion for flying is Dean Showalter. Dean is an aviation educator, podcaster, and all round nice guy. In a recent episode of his podcast, he discussed “The Most Challenging Approach” and asked the question “What’s the most interesting or out-of-the-ordinary instrument approach you’ve seen recently”. 

I thought it would be fun to have Dean on the show and discuss some of his listeners’ responses and discuss the most challenging or interesting approaches we have experienced.

Joining me in this episode are your co-hosts Tom Frick and Bill English.

Preflight Checklist:

Shout Out:

Congratulations Matt Lehn, our program coordinator for passing his commercial check-ride today. Matt is now a commercial pilot!


Tailwind Waymakers is a non-profit founded to help fund aviation dreams. So whether you could use some help funding your aviation training or if you would like to WIN a new airplane, check out

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Cruise Flight: 

  • Summary of Episode 209 and the inspiration for the question today.
  • Dean’s most challenging approach.
  • Our co-hosts have the most challenging approach.
  • Carl – Park Visual 31 LGA, KCDK visual, RNO any RNP
  • Bill – KMTN VOR or TACAN 15, KBOS Light Visual 33
  • The most challenging visual approach.
  • Where you can find Dean and his show.


After Landing Checklist:

Pick Of The Week:

Interview, therefore no pick of the week.


“Tailwind Waymakers is a non-profit founded to help fund aviation dreams. So whether you could use some help funding your aviation training or if you would like to WIN a new airplane, check out

Use coupon code TailwindWaymakers and get a free scholarships guide while supplies last at:
