SMAC230 Flying Again

Welcome to the show about learning to fly, living to fly, and loving to fly. Joining me on the show today is…. Today we have a special guest you have heard on this podcast in the past but before we begin a few words from our sponsor.

Before we get started a few words from our sponsor. 

Preflight Checklist:

First a quick word from our sponsor. – Scholarships, Career Coaching, and Interview Preparation. 

The most recent update includes 36 new scholarships and 4 updates. 

If you become a Patron of the podcast we give away one scholarships guide for every 10 dollars we raise. You can truly make a difference in a person’s aviation journey by becoming a Patron of the podcast. To find out more please visit or click on the link on our website.

News And Announcements:

Our next live event is Sun N Fun Aerospace Expo March 31 to April 5th.

Congratulations Sean Moody on Completing his CFI this week.

Congratulations Clay Whatley on being accepted to the United Airlines Aviate program. Why I mention this on this podcast will become evident later in the show.

Cruise Flight:

On May 9th, 2011 the first episode of the Stuck Mic AvCast was published. Len Costa creator of the show about learning to fly, living to fly and loving to fly brought us entertaining and informative content that continues to this day. In April of 2014, Len set off on an incredible journey outside of aviation with exciting travels and experiences. As years past he realized that you can take the pilot out of aviation buy you can’t take aviation out of the pilot. And now he’s back. Today we are excited to have Len on the show to talk about his journey to the back to the flight deck and flying again. Welcome back, Len Costa! 

  • Why he left the cockpit of an airliner.
  • His journey back to the flight deck.
  • You can take the guy out of aviation but you can’t take aviation out of the guy.
  • Flying the PC12.
  • How Len inspired me to create Aviation Careers Podcast.
  • His next adventure.

After Landing Checklist:

No Picks of the week since this is an interview.

Links Mentioned In The Podcast:

SMAC229 Airplane Owner Maintenance with Dean Showalter

Airplane Owner Maintenance

Welcome to the show about learning to fly, living to fly, and loving to fly. Today we have a special guest Dean Showalter the Host of Airplane Owner Maintenance Podcast. Dean’s podcast has a plethora of information for the aircraft owner who takes an active role in aircraft maintenance. I am excited to have Dean on the show to discuss how you can benefit from becoming more engaged in your aircraft maintenance.

Preflight Checklist:

First a quick word from our sponsor. – Scholarships, Career Coaching, and Interview Preparation. 

This month we have 60 new scholarships and 3 updates. 

If you become a Patron of the podcast we give away one scholarship guide for every 10 dollars we raise. You can truly make a difference in a person’s aviation journey by becoming a Patron of the podcast. To find out more please visit or click on the link on our website.

News And Announcements:

Our next live event is Sun N Fun Aerospace Expo March 31 to April 5th.

Cruise Flight:

Dean Showalter and his journey to the flight deck.

How he is making a difference through his podcast.

Mistakes most owners make when they become involved in their maintenance.

How to talk to your mechanic.

What to do when your plane comes out of maintenance.

Advice for owners who want to do their own maintenance.

What to do if you don’t want to do your own maintenance but want to become more engaged in your aircraft maintenance.

Trip to Oshkosh.

How to Find Dean Showalter.

After Landing Checklist:

Picks Of The Week:

No picks of the week.

Links Mentioned In The Podcast:

115 – Which Borescope Should I Buy?

Use the link to and if they use the code “Dean” at checkout and get 10% off.