SMAC167 How much fuel is in your airplane

How much fuel is in your airplanePreflight Checklist:

Carl is joined by several co-hosts to discuss several topics including how much fuel is in your airplane.

Sponsor: Career Coaching, scholarships, and a free advice through the podcast.


Live from Sun n Fun 5:30 to 7:30 Saturday before the night air show.

Thanks for the feedback from the live shows.

Larry did a Shout Out to friend and listener Scott Todd from Tampa, who is working on his Private Pilot Certificate He should be nearing solo right about now!

Cruise Flight:

  • Fuel starvation leads to forced landing
  • What can we do to prevent fuel starvation both with certified and experimental aircraft.
  • AOPA Fuel Training
  • What is your dream airplane? Really…. And why.
  • Larry – Finishing my Sonex. I keep dreaming about that!
  • Considering building your own airplane?

After Landing Checklist:

Picks Of The Week:

CarlI Hart Flying Scholarship Opportunities

RussFAA’s “Letters to Airman” site  – right side of screen

RickRadarScope iOS/Android app – Mentioned before on SMAC 42 but worth an update –

Larry – Plan your Sun n Fun Adventure, or at least see what you’ll be missing. Check out for all of the details on tickets, daily events, including the air shows, exhibitors, and much, much more.

Links Mentioned In The Podcast:

Flying Lessons News site

Foxtrot revolutionary 4 seat airplane

The Tesla of the sky

 Video Of The Week:

Pitts Special Engine Failure- Fuel Starvation:

SMAC144 Airshow Entertainer and WWII Reenactor Theresa Eaman

Preflight Checklist:

This is a special interview between Carl and Theresa Eaman, who sings classical jazz and WWII songs at air shows and other places.

Sponsor :

Jeff Kennon Author of The Day I Learned To Fly

“If you want to ignite in your small child, or rekindle the first time you fell in love with flying, purchase your copy today of ‘The Day I Learned to Fly‘ by Jeff Kennon, Speaker, Author and Pilot’

Cruise Flight:

Today I have a special guest on the podcast. For over a decade Theresa Eaman has been touching hearts and souls through her singing and moving performance at airshows. I first heard Theresa at the WWII Weekend in Reading, Pennsylvania and most recently at Sun N Fun. I am excited to have this lovely person, outstanding performer, and fellow aviation enthusiast on the show. Theresa Eaman is a patriot, outstanding entertainer, and accomplished WWII reenactor.

Theresa Eaman and I discuss:

  • Her unique ability to combine her love for music and aviation.
  • How she started singing at various aviation events.
  • The National Anthem.
  • Her favorite Jazz songs.
  • When You Wish Upon A Star – my favorite song and the unique story behind the recording.
  • WWII reenacting rewards and challenges.
  • Her upcoming events and how you can find more about her.

After Landing Checklist:

Links Mentioned In The Podcast:

Theresa Eaman’s Facebook

Video Of The Week:

Teresa Eaman Singing Brings Warbirds to Life SNF 2017

Thanks Again To Our Sponsor:

Jeff Kennon Author of The Day I Learned To Fly

“If you want to ignite in your small child, or rekindle the first time you fell in love with flying, purchase your copy today of ‘The Day I Learned to Fly‘ by Jeff Kennon, Speaker, Author and Pilot’