SMAC264 You Can Have a Successful Flight Instructing Business


Flight Instructing

Welcome to Episode 264. This episode is for flight instructors and those who are considering becoming a flight instructor, but instead of an episode about the technical details involved in instructing we will discuss how you can have a successful flight instructing business. Joining the discussion are CFI’s Tom Frick, Bill English, and Russ Roslewski. 

Preflight Checklist:

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App-based aviation radio simulator is an easy way to gain radio proficiency in both VFR and IFR. 

Use the coupon code PlaneEnglishSim for free one year access to the Aerospace Scholarships guide. Links to the aerospace scholarships guide and the coupon code are in the show notes. There are a limited number of coupons so visit and use the code PlaneEnglishSim today.

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Cruise Flight (Talking Points): 

  • How to get started as a new CFI
  • Getting over initial anxiety and fears of flight instructing
  • Establishing yourself/building skills and reputation
  • Setting your rate
    • Hourly vs day rate
    • Should you charge for pre and post-flight? (carl)
    • How do you get paid? (carl)
  • Flight school vs independent
  • Listen to Part 2 for the remainder of the discussion.

After Landing Checklist:

Picks Of The Week:

Carl –

Tom –

Russ – Spaceman: An Astronaut’s Unlikely Journey to Unlock the Secrets of the Universe

Bill – 

aviation safety and resources

Links Mentioned In This Podcast:


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Stuck Mic AvCast

The Stuck Mic AvCast is an aviation podcast about Learning to Fly, Living to Fly, and Loving to Fly, brought to you by @ExpertAviator with co-hosts @ToriaFly, @AviaSean, and @RFelty. Fly Smart. Fly Safe.

6 thoughts on “SMAC264 You Can Have a Successful Flight Instructing Business”

  1. Loved the episode. As a person who recently retired and relocated, I am looking forward to the next episode for tips on being an independent CFI. I was working part time as a CFI in the NY area but things really slowed down for me after covid and so far I haven’t found any flight schools that need any instructors where I relocated.
    Keep up the great work. And thanks Carl for inspiring me to get my CFI and thinking about a possible airline career before covid.
    Hopefully the airlines start hiring again soon which will open up CFI positions when there is a greater demand.

    1. Thanks for the feedback Frank. Keep trying to do something every day that will help move your instructing business forward. I hope this and the next episode will help with your aviation journey.

  2. Greetings! I got my CFI and CFII right before we moved to the DC area in 2019, hoping to start teaching. But childcare and other expenses made it unaffordable to teach and then COVID hit and the local schools don’t have the volume to support a full time transition to CFI for me. I will get there.

    1. Keep the positive attitude! Many times our plans for a job transition are affected by events beyond our control. I think the future is bright for CFI’s once this pandemic is over. Remember to try and do something every day to move forward with your aviation goal and flying life.

  3. Carl and Crew.. Great episode, and great timing for me. I’m currently in the process of scheduling my CFI checkride, and retiring from the corporate world in April. So I related to everything you were talking about. Looking forward to the next installment. Would love to hear what you do, or need to do as an independent as far as claiming income for taxes and social security, and CFI insurance, or if you provide the aircraft. Should you form a business?, or LLC?. I know the FAR’s and what to do, but what are the trade offs and risks of working for yourself?
    Thanks for the show.

    1. Thanks for the feedback and a great talking point for episode 2. There are some interesting aspects towards deciding how you want to approach your flight instructing business.

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