SMAC142 Live From Sun N Fun 2017


Welcome to America’s Front Porch at Sun n Fun 2017! This is a recording of the live show produced at the fly-in from Sun n Fun Radio. Rick Felty is participating from home, while Carl, Eric, Larry, Tom and Russ are all on the deck together!

Preflight Checklist:


The crew gets right to it discussing

Cruise Flight:

  • Eric got to ride along in a T-6 Texan!
  • If you ever wondered how The Polk State Aerospace program ever got started, here is your answer.
  • Tom discusses some of the many things he is doing here at the show, including working with mZeroA who has John Glenn’s Baron.
  • For stats the show has 17 employees and about 3,500 volunteers.
  • Eric discusses the success of the Polk State program, as well as how he learned he could actually be a pilot. His program actually has graduates flying for airlines.
  • Larry introduced Bill from Titan Aircraft, who has built a replica T-51 Mustang with a BMW engine (T is for Titan).
  • June 8th Polk State is having their open house, featuring many of their partners.
  • David Allen from Other People’s Airplanes came by to discuss aviation and scholarships and funding to pay for aviation, such as the Aerospace Scholarships Guide.
  • Kevin Lacey of Airplane Repo stopped by to discuss his show and helping people move forward in their careers. He is working on another show called Inside the Fence about what goes on in airports and aviation. He is also a mentor of the Eagle’s Nest program, helping high school students learn to build airplanes. He also assists with Project Lead the Way. The also discussed The Lakeland Aero Club.
  • Bill English from the NTSB came on to discuss his job as a Lead Investigator in the Major Investigations Division as well as his love of being a GA pilot, Flight Instructor, and drones. He now uses drones to help investigate accidents.
  •  Pilot and Dispatcher Michael Carells of Flying and Life Podcast stop by to discuss their work.
  • @pilotJimG discusses delta shaped trikes designed for off road biking (like a mountain bike, but with 3 wheels).
  • Dave Pasco, creator of discusses how their system works, it’s use for training, and other countries that have outlawed listening in to tower communications.
  • Mike Harris for the Why we Fly Podcast discusses camping at Sun n Fun from beneath the wing of his plane and flying a vintage plane at Sun n Fun.
  • The next episode on May 1st will feature many interviews from around Sun n Fun 2017.

After Landing Checklist:

Picks Of The Week:

No Picks of the week since this is an interview show.

Links Mentioned In The Podcast:

Titan Aircraft

Other’s People’s Airplanes

Eagle’s Nest Program

Project Lead the Way

The Lakeland Aero Club

Texas Airfleet

Live ATC

Flying and Life Podcast


Published by

Stuck Mic AvCast

The Stuck Mic AvCast is an aviation podcast about Learning to Fly, Living to Fly, and Loving to Fly, brought to you by @ExpertAviator with co-hosts @ToriaFly, @AviaSean, and @RFelty. Fly Smart. Fly Safe.

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