Episode #2 – Air France 447, Deep Stalls, & LiveATC.net

In Episode #2 we started out discussing the findings of the Air France 447 black box. Air France 447 disappeared over the Atlantic Ocean during a flight from Rio de Janeiro to Paris on June 1, 2009 killing all on board. After years of extensive searching for the aircraft black boxes, they were recently found. Read the findings here – Black Box Reveals Last Minutes

Other podcast topics include:

1. Deep Stalls – described in depth by Carl Valeri
2. Using ForeFlight – for FAR Part 91, Part 121, and an overlooked special feature
3. Fly-cations – the joys of personal air travel
4. Ground Operations – taxiing, airport diagrams, parking. Calling ahead and viewing aerial images
5. FunPlacesToFly.com
6. Fly2Lunch.Com
7. Re-tracing the first scheduled airline flight
8. Surprises while flying around Boston’s Class Bravo airspace
9. SERMN Routes – a great tool for departing New York airspace during bad weather and delays

And now for our picks of the week – where each of the co-hosts shares an aviation product, service, or website they’ve used and found helpful.

Rick – LiveATC Air Radio
Carl – Flight Guide iEFB iOS app
Len – Aircraft Audio Patch Cable

Listen Below:

Also, a BIG shout out to Jim Cutler for our professional Voice Over work for the Stuck Mic AvCast intro and closing. Thank you, Jim!

AOPA Headquarters Tour Video

***Click to Watch in High Definition***

A few weeks ago, after realizing just how close I was to Frederick, MD, I decided it would be fun to drive up to AOPA Headquarters at the Frederick Municipal Airport (KFDK) to take their free tour. After a little coordinating with some folks on Twitter the adventure was planned for the first week of May.

I departed my house just after 10AM and took the scenic drive up Route 15. Arriving at KFDK just before 11AM, I met up with @ToriaFly in front of the Airways Inn and then followed her over to the AOPA building because I couldn’t find Continue reading AOPA Headquarters Tour Video