Radio Tuned, Volume Up, We Are Listening

cat listening

We value you. We adore you. What else can we say. You are the engine that propels our aviation podcast. But there’s something we want you to know…

We’re NOT like everyone else.

Everything For Someone

See, the Stuck Mic AvCast was not created to be one of those podcasts that has “something for everyone” – NOPE – but rather we want to be everything to someone. And that someone is YOU!

And while there are plenty of podcasts out there that think it’s all about them and what they want, plain and simple, they are wrong. This is probably an unpopular comment and I (Len Costa) am sure to catch some flack in the podsphere for my public opinions. So be it.

The Peoples Podcast

We’d rather be considered the “Peoples Podcast”; reporting on and sharing content that YOU want. After all, without you, we wouldn’t be here.

Naturally we are going to screw things up. We know that we can’t create the perfect product and that you won’t enjoy every single piece of content that we share. That’s just a fact of life.

And your patience and feedback is what helps us get closer to the bulls eye.

Full Disclosure

In the interest of full disclosure, the Stuck Mic AvCast is a business, and just like any other business there are costs involved in it’s operation; web hosting, file hosting, domain names, etc.

That means we might share advertising, products for sale, or other related items that we feel could be useful or helpful to you which we may earn money from those sales or recommendations. We promise that we won’t inundate you with meaningless garbage for the sake of a quick buck. That’s not what we’re about.

We know that you’re cool with the fact that we may earn money from things we share with you as long as it’s relevant and we just wanted to remind you.

Will YOU Help?

So we sit here today to charge you with a most important task. Feedback.

Every comment you share on our blog, email you send, voicemail you leave us, every Tweet, Facebook comment, Like, Share, etc, drives the way we operate.

So do us a huge favor – when you enjoy something we do, Like It on Facebook, share it on Twitter, +1 on Google Plus, or wherever you hangout online. We love listener mail so send us an email or leave us a voicemail. And of course, leave some comments on the blog and join us in a conversation about the topic at hand.

Whether it’s a comment (good or bad – we don’t mind), feedback, or maybe you have a great show topic or special guest idea, send them our way. We research everything you send us.

And don’t forget…

Radio is Tuned, Volume is Up, and We Are Listening!

Welcome our Friends at CRAZEDpilot!

In the world of aviation, relationships are king. That’s why we’ve decided to partner up with the folks at to serve as an affiliate for their products!

The reality is people do business with people. And Stuck Mic AvCast founder Len Costa has spent a great deal of time speaking with and becoming good friends with both Brendan and Dan of CRAZEDpilot and can personally speak for not only their friendly attitude but their excellent customer service. We highly recommend you check them out if you’re looking for such aviation products as: DVD’s, Headsets, Pilot Gear, Aircraft Gear, and More!

In the interest of full disclosure, being an affiliate means that Stuck Mic AvCast will receive a commission from any products that you buy using our links. Those commissions support the operational costs of the website and podcast and we know you’re cool with that so we just wanted to be upfront with you. That being said, we usually only share things we consider safe for our lovely Mother, but we have to mention it either way.

So check them out! We promise you’ll have a wonderful buying experience otherwise we wouldn’t put our reputation on the line for them.

CRAZEDpilot Aircraft and Pilot Accessories