Where’s Baldo – A Month in the Life of an Airline Pilot

Skydive the Beach - Sydney, AU
Skydive the Beach – Sydney, AU

We thought we’d poke a little fun at one of our co-hosts in addition to starting a fun online game called, “Where’s Baldo?”, where we chronicle the monthly destinations of co-host Len Costa as an airline captain for both work and pleasure. He gets around (literally).

Why “Baldo” you ask? Back in December 2012 Len decided he’d had enough of his luscious, soft, head of hair and went the shaved route courtesy of the awesome peeps at Head Blade (check them out, their stuff works). As a self-appointed baldy, the catchy phrase “Where’s Baldo?” was a fun play on pop culture icon Waldo who we seem to be eternally searching for. Seriously… will somebody PLEASE find that guy!

Anyway, we’ll be publishing a monthly blog post with all the destinations he’s set foot in. We hope you enjoy this new online game and the first edition releases on Friday, June 7th, 2013.

Clear Skies & Calm Winds,


SMAC048 – Victoria’s Back, Pitch Down Dummy, Autolandings

Today’s show marks the triumphant return of our beloved and sassy Victoria Zajko as she fills us in on all the exciting news from her absence including the amazing statistics from 2013’s Women of Aviation Week Worldwide events. Rick’s recent flight with a CFI conducting simulated engine out procedures invokes an interesting conversation about pitching down when it may seem completely counterintuitive. And Carl wraps it up with a story and explanation about his first autolanding in the Airbus A320 on an ILS during 1,400 RVR. All that and more coming up right now!


From July 26-28th, 2013 the Festival of Ballooning at Solberg Airport in Readington, NJ will feature over 100 hot air balloons, flights, entertainment, headlining bands, fireworks, plus more. As one of the nations greats balloon events this is not to be missed.

Cruise Flight

Show Notes

After Landing Checklist

~ Picks of The Week ~