The Cheap DIY iPad EFB Kneeboard Alternative

Yesterday I shared with you how one particular aviator was using his iPad in the cockpit, and today I’m going to show you how another creative flyer made his own iPad kneeboard for cheap.

This creative flyer decided that paying $150+ for an iPad aviation kneeboard seemed a bit out of whack for his purposes and figured he could probably make something himself.

With a little creativity and a few low cost items, I share with you: Building Your Own iPad 3G EFB Kneeboard.

How To Use Your iPad As An EFB

The iPad isn’t just a magical new internet device, it’s also a perfect candidate for use as an Electronic Flight Bag (EFB).  With it’s many apps and the ability to connect anywhere with the iPad 3G, your dreams of a paperless cockpit are one step closer.

I stumbled on a really cool blog post describing how this particular iPad user is doing just that – using his magical new device in the cockpit:  iPad EFB In the Cockpit.
