Renew Your CFI Via Webinar?

So it’s that time again…Time to renew your CFI certificate.  Should you go to a refresher clinic?  What about those home study online tests?  Enter CFI renewal by webinar, the most recent addition to the seemingly endless ways in which to renew that coveted certificate.

Here’s the concept: it’s very similar to a weekend refresher clinic where you typically spend 2 full days in a conference room listening to some mindless presentation.  Now I know not all refresher clinics are that dull, but let’s be honest, it’s not exactly an experience to jump up and down for joy about.  Well, the webinar option is LIVE, just like an in-person refresher clinic, except all the training occurs over the internet.

How does this differ from the other online CFI renewal processes, you ask?  Simply this – the webinar allows for one-on-interaction with the presenter.  So instead of spending the weekend in a conference room, you spend it at your computer, learning the same things you would as if you were in person INCLUDING the ability to ask questions and interact with the other attendees and the presenter.

In fact, webinars are an all-around cool way to experience most presentations and the like.  I, however, personally prefer the AOPA CFI Renewal program for one reason and one reason alone – you can complete it at your own pace.  Meaning, you are not required to sit in front of the computer for 16 hours and keep your screen active by moving the mouse around to log your full training time requirements.

The AOPA renewal process ROCKS for that reason.  I just log in, read the study guides, take the tests, and *tadah* I’m done in no time.  But hey, people like options right?

So if you’re interested in this new webinar CFI renewal process, check out: CFI’s Can Renew Online Through Webinar Program from

Clear Skies and Calm Winds,

Len @

Powerloss Training for Commerical Operators

…the NTSB said the FAA should require manufacturers of twin-engine, turbine-powered aircraft to develop a checklist and procedure for a dual engine failure at low altitude, and require operators under Part 121, 135 and 91K to implement the checklist and procedures.  Source – NTSB Wants Power-loss Training for Part 135, 91K

And they very well should!  I can recall no Part 121 training regarding this very issue.  In fact, the lack of such training is almost a disservice to flight crew and passengers.  But first let me clarify something.

As an airline pilot I have received PLENTY of training and simulated flights for a single engine failure, that is losing thrust in 1 of our 2 engines.  We practice takeoffs, maneuvering flight, instrument approaches, and landings in the 1 engine configuration.  So all is well and good there.

Although, I recall no such training on a dual engine failure at any altitude.  To be even more specific, the dual engine failure training was merely a review of our quick reference handbook and a discussion on how to perform such an emergency procedure from the comfort of the classroom chair.  Granted the very likely hood of having a dual engine failure in a turbine aircraft is so astronomically small that it may not warrant such real world training, but that’s what flight simulators are for right?

Now an airline like mine (which doesn’t do any extended over water flights) may not truly benefit from powerloss and ditching training due to our operational characteristics, but there are still some big lakes that we fly over in North America.  I mean, it certainly can’t hurt to receive that knowledge and training in the safety of a flight simulator.

I’ve love to hear your feelings on this so please leave your comments below!

Here’s the original article that spurred this blog post:  NTSB Wants Power-loss Training for Part 135, 91K