SMAC074 Interview With Air Show Announcer Rob Reider

RobReiderPre-Flight Checklist

The whole crew is here with a special guest, discussing the wonders of air shows

Cruise Flight

Tonight’s show is a discussion of air shows, with special guest Rob Reider. You can also find Rob on Facebook.

  • Pilot since 1982
  • Announcing Air Shows since 1978
  • Announced at 146 air shows all over the country in the last 7 years
  • Received the International Council on Air Shows Sword of Excellence (highest honor air show professional can receive)
  • Honorary Blue Angel (only one of 48 that have ever received this distinction)

The team discusses Air Shows with Rob, how he got started announcing air shows, and his work with Sporty’s Pilot Shops developing flight teaching videos.

After Flight Checklist

No picks this week, as we enjoy this wonderful interview of our very special guest.

After Landing Checklist

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SMAC073 Drones, Toilet Paper Cutting, and Other Aviation Happiness

PlaneAndChairsPre Flight Checklist

Everybody is really happy this week! Not only did Carl get to see the highest mountain in Peru, but even better, he got to touch a single engine airplane this week! Eric is beginning the summer semester at Polk State College in Florida. Rick is off this week trying to get his computer fixed, and Victoria is home with Turbo watching a distant thunderstorm.


AOPA Learn to Fly Day Saturday June 7th (rain date June 8th) 10:00 AM-3:00 PM at the Frederick Airport in Frederick, MD. This is an opportunity for the public to come down and tour the airport, learn about General Aviation, and get free flights! If you can attend tweet Victoria to see about meeting up! Learn to Fly Day 2014

Cruise Flight

First up we have a listener email on a technical question from Carl’s Expert Aviator blog on alternate landing strips when visibility is too low, which requires filing alternative flight plans. Here is a link for checking the weather.


Cutting Toilet Paper with an Airplane in a RANS S7 homebuild

Paragliding Kickball

Eric started a discussion about finding things to do that allow you to enjoy aviation, like flying from mainland Florida to one of the islands just to get a hamburger.

The group discusses an incident where a drone or R/C plane having a close call with a commercial airliner near the Tallahassee Airport.

91.15 dropping objects


After Flight Checklist

~Picks of the Week~

Victoria: The sexiest paper on earth-Renova

Sean: Skyguide for iOS: An app for identifying the stars in your view of the sky

Eric: Aviation Summer Camps from Sun n’ Fun

Carl: B-29 Doc’s Friends: An organization restoring the B-29 known as Doc from World War II

After Landing Checklist

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