Damian DelGaizo on Tailwheel Training

Tailwheel 101 Training DVDFor the aspiring tailwheel pilot, or someone looking for a refresher on the basics, Damian DelGaizo offers Tailwheel: 101.

Recently our friends at CRAZEDpilot sent us this DVD for our review. Co-host Len Costa, being the only tailwheel pilot of the group, took the task of watching this instructional video and has these insights to offer.

But first, let’s look at the product description:

Flying low, slow, in the bush or even inverted all start with the tailwheel endorsement. Tailwheel: 101 will teach you through quality tailwheel instruction and clear high definition video exactly what is needed to achieve that amazingly fun taildragger endorsement!

Damian DelGaizo will guide you along with his student Jill through the whole process of tailwheel transition in this wonderful DVD, the first of the series, in Tailwheel:101!  No where will you find more clear DVD instruction, clear examples, and excellent video production quality that you can understand and use in your own training.

Ok, so after watching this DVD entirely, I can offer these comments.

Now, I’ve NEVER watched a training DVD before and this was my first. Admittedly it was difficult for me to get settled into the training mind set while not being in person with a CFI in front of me. After getting over the initial oddness of learning through video, I was able to follow along nicely.

DelGaizo does, what I feel is, an excellent job not only talking through his topics, but demonstrating them as well. I learn best through being shown so his techniques were extremely helpful to me in understanding the training points.

Screen Shot 2013-07-11 at 1.26.59 PMMy favorite visual demonstration was his use of a spinning bicycle wheel to simulate the gyroscopic forces as they pertain to a tailwheel aircraft versus a tricycle gear aircraft. Other demonstrations included getting in different models of aircraft from the Top Cub, Sport Cub, and a Stearman to show us real life examples of ground looping, S-turn taxi techniques, and taking of and landing under various wind conditions.

The training video is fun because it takes student Jill Wood from start to finish in earning her tailwheel endorsement while we get to “ride along”. From ground instruction in the hangar with models and diagrams, to actual in-flight video showing the real struggles of a first time tailwheel student, this video helped me become reacquainted with the basic operation of a tailwheel aircraft.

It’s not often that I get to fly GA aircraft, and even less often flying a tailwheel, so training like this helps me stay educated. Of course no training DVD is a supplement for actual flight instruction and you should always fly with a competent flight instructor before attempting anything you learn from a video.

If you’re someone looking to learn about tailwheel flying, or need a refresher like myself, Tailwheel: 101 will deliver in high quality video format.

delgaizo tailwheel

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It’s Not Us, It’s You… Goodbye Facebook

We here at the Stuck Mic AvCast believe in a world where our message is freely distributed to our listeners around the world without impedance or fees. As of recently, Facebook is no longer that medium for us.

What Happened?

You’re probably aware that Facebook is now a NASDAQ publicly traded company. In an interest to their shareholders and to earn income they’ve implemented some changes to their software. One major change is the way Facebook’s algorithm determines the exposure of each posting made on their website.

For our Page with 194 “Likes” only a tiny percentage of those 194 dedicated fans actually get to see our postings because of this Facebook algorithm. And I mean a tiny amount. Whereas before all this money making, stock exchange nonsense all our fans would see every single post. But that’s simply not the way of the world anymore.

What A Racket

Now you may be thinking, “Why would Facebook limit the exposure of your posts?” and here’s why: MONEY.

The idea is that a Facebook Page owner can pay an advertising fee to “Promote” a post which allegedly generates more exposure over the limited percentage currently allowed by their system algorithm. And while we don’t take issue with a company trying to earn a profit (go for it) we refuse to let that affect what we share with you.

We’ve ran the tests, paid some promotion and advertising fees just for the heck of it, and have seen NO valuable increase to our podcast family.

So Here’s The Deal

The Stuck Mic AvCast is leaving Facebook. As of Thursday May 23rd, 2013 we will no longer be a brand that supports Facebook and will be shutting down our Page permanently.

The BEST way to keep in touch of all that’s happening at the podcast is through Twitter. You DO NOT have to sign up for an account to Follow Us but it’s highly recommended, and hey, it’s a great hangar flying community you won’t want to miss out on.

The address is: Twitter.com/StuckMicAvCast. You can visit the site from any internet device to see what we’re up to if you choose not to Follow Us. Or you could subscribe to our Tweets by using this link in your favorite RSS reader: https://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/user_timeline.rss?screen_name=stuckmicavcast.

The Big Break Up

Well there you have, we’ve said our peace, and now it’s time to part ways.

So goodbye Facebook – it’s been real and it’s been fun, but it ain’t been real fun.

PS – NO, you can’t have your favorite sweatshirt back either…