SMAC036a – Flying Cirrus in Hawaii with Maui Flight Academy

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Recently co-host Len Costa had a chance to fly a Cirrus SR22 G3 with Maui Flight Academy in Maui, Hawaii. The flight originated in Maui’s Kahului Airport (PHOG) making a $100 hamburger run to the island of Lanai (PHNY) where we took a shuttle bus trip up the mountain to the Four Seasons hotel for a very delicious and scenic lunch. After which we departed Lanai for the island of Molokai to do a touch and go at Kalaupapa Airport (PHLU).

During our time in Lanai, Len interviewed Maui Flight Academy’s Chief Instructor, Laurence about his background in aviation and how he found himself in Hawaii teaching students in a Cirrus. In this interview you’ll learn:

  • Laurence’s flight background
  • Current flight experience and credentials
  • Previous experience as a Part 135 operator providing air tours
  • Experience with Cirrus
  • The windiest airport in the nation
  • Hawaii flying safety equipment
  • Who is Doug Ritter and what does he do

And so much more! Also, we recorded some inflight video during this adventure which will be available very soon. In the meanwhile, enjoy the photos we took from our Cirrus trip around the islands of Hawaii.

***UPDATED DEC 7, 2012***

Our first flying video is available at Flying Tropical Hawaii – A Maui to Lanai Cirrus Flight

Listen to Episode 36a Below

Episode #32a – Flying Tailwheel with Paul Santopietro

Recently co-host Rick Felty had a chance to fly with and simultaneously interview Paul Santopietro, a 13,000 hour pilot, ATP, CFII, MEI, Commercial Glider, Commercial Single Engine Sea and 8,000 hour tailwheel pilot. The interview was conducted during cruise flight at about 2000 feet above southeastern Massachusetts while flying in a Cessna L-19 Bird Dog. With an old-school stick and rudder approach to flying and his affable manner, Paul discusses the unique challenges of tailwheel flying, the history of the Bird Dog itself, with a few other fun stories thrown in.

For part of the year, Paul is based on the east coast of Florida, but spends his summers teaching tailwheel flying at 1B2, Katama’s grass field on the island of Martha’s Vineyard. Paul can be reached mainly via email at or visit his web site at (currently being renovated).

Listen to Episode 32a Below