Flying Tropical Hawaii – A Maui to Lanai Cirrus Flight

Recently co-host Len Costa had a chance to fly a Cirrus SR22 G3 with Maui Flight Academy in Maui, Hawaii. The flight originated in Maui’s Kahului Airport (PHOG) making a $100 hamburger run to the island of Lanai (PHNY) where we took a shuttle bus trip up the mountain to the Four Seasons hotel for a very delicious and scenic lunch.

This is our first of two flying videos starting in Maui bound for Lanai. A second video from Lanai to the Sea Cliffs of Molokai will follow.

And if you missed the audio interview with Maui Flight Academy, find that and some sick-nasty scenery photos here: SMAC036a – Flying Cirrus in Hawaii with Maui Flight Academy

***UPDATED DECEMBER 26, 2012***

Part 2 of the video is now available: Flying Tropical Hawaii – Sea Cliffs of Molokai Cirrus Flight

SMAC036 – Formation Flying, $100 Hamburgers in Hawaii, Obstacle Departure Procedures

Todays show discussions involved some information and chatter about formation flying and each co-host’s experience with this flying pleasure. We also shared a story of nearly one of the coolest $100 hamburger flights known to man and then wrapped it up with a segment on obstacle departure procedures explained, as requested by one of our listeners. Do to innumerable scheduling issues thanks to Hurricane Sandy, Rick was not able to join us for this episode but does send his best regards.


Women Fly It Forward 2013  – Women of Aviation week is March 4 – 10, 2013 and Victoria is looking for volunteers worldwide to host events. The goal is to eventually host 1 event in each of the 50 states. Fun fact: If there was 1 event in each state, where 100 women were introduced to flying, and if only 2% of those women chose to fly, we’d see a 10% annual increase in female pilots. So come one GUYS and GALS – contact Victoria with your interest to host an even in your local area!

US Sport Aviation Expo – Carl will be in attendance reporting for SMAC. Sun N Fun Radio and Flight Time Radio, sponsored by LiveATC, will be broadcasting form the show. THis show is not just about LSA’s but also includes performances by Team RV and Patty Wagstaff in the very first airshow at the US Sport Aviation Expo.

Dubai Airshow 2013 – This even is hosted only every other year and boasts an opportunity to learn about the newest cutting edge technology for airliners, corporate, and military. The 2013 show runs from November 17-21, 2013. Who wants to meet us there?

And in one final announcement – A Happy Hatchling day to our friend and fellow aviation podcaster, Grant McHerron, co-host of Australia’s premier aviation podcast, Plane Crazy Down Under. By the time this show has released his birthday will have passed but you can wish him a belated on Twitter @PCDU.

Cruise Flight

After Landing Checklist

~ Picks of The Week ~

Victoria – Amber Nolan aka the Flying Gypsy

Carl – Chris Findley’s book You Can Be a Pilot

Len – Maui Flight Academy

Listen to Episode 36 Below