Photos: Cruising the Southeast

These are some photos I was able to snap this past week on a few of my trips.  The never-ending adventure that is corporate aviation took me on a tour of the southeast this week in a few different airplanes, going from NC to FL and back twice, and back and forth across NC itself a couple times as well.  These particular photos were taken from the cockpit of a Beechcraft Premier business jet, and then on the ground of the Cessna 208 Grand Caravan before I flew it.  Enjoy!

Clear afternoon with beautiful fall colors! The view from FL360 enroute to EVB Sunset descending into CLT Citation X with winglets (!) in PBI Florida's space coast from FL350 Hazy sunset colors over the Atlantic In the turn over Savannah, GA at FL350 My office at night Cessna Grand Caravan after a preflight inspection Cessna Grand Caravan in the late afternoon

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– Jonathan

NOTAMs Audio Interview: Adam Howley of

In this video you’ll hear me interviewing Adam Howley, owner and creator of This interview is another installment in the Notice To Airmen Interview Series by where I sit down with various aviation business owners to learn about their products and services.

Join us to learn how how Adam got started in aviation, transitioning from New Zealand pilot to Australian pilot, the idea for this website, his hope for future growth, and a whole bunch more!

Enjoy the dialog between Len and Adam as they discuss their passion for flying anything they can get their hands on and achieving more ratings whenever possible.

See what @Haqnoor called, “Nice interview guys. Lots of food for thought. Thanks!”