Video: How fast is the Citation X?

Recently, I flew a trip in the Citation X, and an opportunity arose to give a good idea of just how fast the airplane is.  Coming home from Lebanon, NH, we happened to be on the same airway as a Southwest Airlines Boeing 737 going the same direction, only we were 2000 feet higher and going significantly faster.  You can see that in about 90 seconds, we gain over 2.5 miles on the 737.

I couldn’t get a good shot of the plane out the window, but I filmed the TCAS2 (Traffic Collision Avoidance System) display, in which you can clearly see the relative movement between the two airplanes.  Conveniently, our true airspeed and groundspeed are also shown on the same display.  In most conditions, the X cruises at around 525 knots TAS, and with a hefty tailwind, I’ve seen upwards of 615 knots over the ground, or roughly 700mph.



HD video here

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Video: The Travels of a Corporate Pilot, Vol. 1

I decided to throw together a video using some of the clips I’ve taken in the past 8 months or so.  It’s amazing to look back and see all the places I’ve gotten to go and things I’ve gotten to see, but even more so as I realize that I didn’t come close to using clips from all my video, and didn’t even take video on most of my trips.  Places included are Dallas, TX, Las Vegas, NV, Raleigh, NC, Beaufort, NC, Chicago, IL, Rochester, NY, and various other locations as we flew over.  This was taken from the Cessna Citation X, Beechcraft Premier, Beechcraft King Air 200, Cessna 340A, a corporate 767-200, as well as some airline flights I was on as a passenger.

As I continue to fly around the continent (and beyond), I’ll keep taking video and I plan on continuing to put together collections such as this.  Enjoy!


HD version here

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