Episode #13a – Video Interview with Dave English, Author of The Inner Art Of Airmanship

Mastering the art of flying is a continuos journey along a path towards an elusive and worthy destination. Mastering the art of flying is a worthy goal which has a positive affect on of those who we fly with and those we fly over. Our journey towards mastering the art of flying leads us to our ultimate goal of realizing our individual potential.

The Journey Begins

The most difficult aspects of our journey towards our goal of becoming a better pilot and mastering the art of flying is getting started and maintaining our direction. Dave English through his website “The Inner Art Of Airmanship” is one of the best resources for those who wish to achieve a higher level of achievement as a pilot.

Recently I had the opportunity to speak with Dave about his website and his passion for helping pilots master the art of flying. Dave is a friendly and articulate airline Captain with a background in psychology. I highly recommend “The Inner Art Of Airmanship”. You will be inspired by his stories, entertained by his eloquent prose, and educated through his practical examples.

Listen To The Interview

For More Information:

Inner Art of Airmanship

NOTAMs Audio Interview: Adam Howley of MyPilot.net

In this video you’ll hear me interviewing Adam Howley, owner and creator of MyPilot.net. This interview is another installment in the Notice To Airmen Interview Series by ThePilotReport.com where I sit down with various aviation business owners to learn about their products and services.

Join us to learn how how Adam got started in aviation, transitioning from New Zealand pilot to Australian pilot, the idea for this website, his hope for future growth, and a whole bunch more!

Enjoy the dialog between Len and Adam as they discuss their passion for flying anything they can get their hands on and achieving more ratings whenever possible.

See what @Haqnoor called, “Nice interview guys. Lots of food for thought. Thanks!”