Bingo Fuel iOS App Video Demo

In today’s video demonstration Len Costa walks you through using the Bingo Fuel iOS App to determine your: Burn to Destination, Calculate Bingo, Time to Hold, including some additional tips and tricks for both turbine and piston pilots.


Thanks for watching this video demonstration!

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{Product Update} MyRadar iOS App Weather Alerts

You’ve heard it mentioned a few times now from both Carl Valeri and Len Costa. The MyRadar iOS App is exactly what the name implies: weather radar on your iPhone or iPad.

But we’re here today to tell you about one pretty cool feature (besides the flight plan layover function). And that’s the weather notifications.

After experiencing 2 tornadoes, one in Arkansas and one in Illinois, co-host Len Costa decided to configure MyRadar on his iPhone to alert him when any weather event would affect him based on his GPS location.

While on layover in Burlington, VT the MyRadar iOS app, based on his iPhone GPS location, alerted Len that a “Severe Thunderstorm Warning” was in effect for his last known location. Here’s 2 screen shots: first of the weather warning and second of the weather radar.


After the weather alerts were experienced, coupled with the 2 co-hosts previous recommendations, we really like MyRadar iOS App and highly suggest it!

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