Episode #3 – Believe What You See, Class C Airspace, & Pilots With Disabilities

There were a lot of topics covered in Episode #3 and the show ran about 1hr 20min in length. BUT, it’s chock full of golden nuggets about Staying Safe in the Traffic Pattern, Class C Airspace, Pilots With Disabilities, and a whole bunch more! So stay tuned to the whole episode because it’s worth it.

The full topic list includes:

1. Believe What You See, Not What You Here – Staying safe in the traffic pattern
2. The 3 Tenants of Radio Calls
3. Operating at Non-Towered Airports
4. The Effects of Pilot Fatigue
5. Transitioning to Visual Approaches
6. Students and Pilots With Disabilities – ChallengeAir.com, WheelChairAviators.org, DeafPilots.org
7. Merits of a Thorough Pre/Post-Flight Inspection
8. Practical Guide to Operating in Class C Airspace
9. The ILS Breakout

And now for our picks of the week – this is where each of the co-hosts shares an aviation related product, service, or website they’ve used, found helpful, and recommend to you.

Rick – USairnet.com – forward looking weather planning
Carl – The Pilots’ Guide to the Airports of Historic Massachusetts
Len – Electronic Logbooks – Logten Pro and LogBook Pro

Listen to Episode #3 below:

Logbook Pro Electronic Pilot Logbook Video Review

Watch this video review in High Definition (you’ll like it, Mikey did)

I’ve been using Logbook Pro as my electronic pilot logbook software on the PC for almost 5 years now.  It all started when I was flight instructing and I needed a better way to track flight time for additional certificates and various job applications, not to mention the obvious flight time verification needs.  So I began doing some research and arrived at Logbook Pro by NC Software.

The transition from paper to electronic was, at first, a nightmare.  At the time I had already been going through my logbook to verify all my flight times were accurate and up to date.  When this all started I had logged like 600 to 800 hours total flight time and there were so many entry errors.  I was literally pulling my hair out.  That’s when Logbook Pro came in handy.  I went from logbook page to logbook page, put the entries into Logbook Pro and made sure the totals were the same as each paper logbook page.  When they weren’t, there was an error that needed to be addressed.

It took a little bit of tinkering until I finally got all my logbook entries entered (and backed up) in Logbook Pro – HINT: start your electronic logbook ASAP so you don’t have hundreds of flight hours to enter.  From there on out I always made duplicate copies of logbook entries – 1 entry into the paper logbook, 1 entry into Logbook  Pro.  For the last 5 years this has never failed me even when I started flying for the airlines; the software is beautiful!

Some notable features of Logbook Pro are:
1.  Good for FAA, JAA, & CAA certificated pilots
2.  Contains 60+ reporting templates
3.  Gives you easy flight logging
4.  Tracks your flight certificates, ratings, flight currency, and more
5.  One-click FAA Form 8710 creation (brilliant!)
6.  Compatible for Part 121 & Part 135 aviators
7.  Internal error checking
8.  PC only (but fear not Mac friends, there is an alternative)
9.  Free trial – full use for the first 50 logbook entries
10.  Price starts at only $69.95, free updates included (so far!)

Don’t be shy, watch the Logbook Pro electronic aviation logbook video review at the top of this page!

Clear Skies & Calm Winds,

Len @ ThePilotReport.com

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