Where’s Baldo – A Month in the Life of an Airline Pilot

Skydive the Beach - Sydney, AU
Skydive the Beach – Sydney, AU

We thought we’d poke a little fun at one of our co-hosts in addition to starting a fun online game called, “Where’s Baldo?”, where we chronicle the monthly destinations of co-host Len Costa as an airline captain for both work and pleasure. He gets around (literally).

Why “Baldo” you ask? Back in December 2012 Len decided he’d had enough of his luscious, soft, head of hair and went the shaved route courtesy of the awesome peeps at Head Blade (check them out, their stuff works). As a self-appointed baldy, the catchy phrase “Where’s Baldo?” was a fun play on pop culture icon Waldo who we seem to be eternally searching for. Seriously… will somebody PLEASE find that guy!

Anyway, we’ll be publishing a monthly blog post with all the destinations he’s set foot in. We hope you enjoy this new online game and the first edition releases on Friday, June 7th, 2013.

Clear Skies & Calm Winds,


Where Captain Why

Back in December 2012, at a Christmas party, co-host Len Costa had the chance to meet a fascinating man by the name of Dr. J. Scott Brown while visiting Knoxville, TN on a work related overnight trip. A conversation ensued about life and the decisions we make and how they lead us here and there. So motivated by our conversation, Dr. Brown decided to share a very personal and touching poem he had written entitled, “Where Captain Why” about the thrill of the journey.

And while this poem has a very specific nautical theme it relates nearly word for word for aviators and pilots alike.

We now present, “Where Captain Why” by Dr. J Scott Brown:

The Fearless Captain holds the wheel

A place in mind his soul can feel.

He goes forward with no stress or doubt,

For he knows where he is, and has chosen his route.

Even with the waves and wind, He may be blown off course,

but corrects again.

For this place he seeks, he must go.

This is the place that will make him whole.

The Captain, the Ship and the Sea are one.

When the reason you sail is the right one.

Before you know it your port will appear and you can dock

without any Fear.

As your foot hits land, and you tie up the lines,

Your eyes look to the ocean for new goal to find.

For you see,

It is not the port you desire most,

Is is the thill of the journey from coast to coast.

If you’ve enjoyed this poem we would love for you to use one of the share buttons above or below this blog post and send this poem forward.


Stuck Mic AvCast