What’s In A Callsign?


You’re out flying, you hear, “Satan Zero Three leaving three thousand, climbing to one zero thousand.” If you’re anything like us you’re thinking, “Who the heck is Satan Zero Three? In fact, you probably even wrote down the call sign on your kneeboard so you could search the interwebs when you got home.

Well look no further! As it turns out, Ron at MonitoringTimes.com has compiled a list of all MILITARY call signs as of 2011 (link to download text file).

Some of our personal favorites? Air Force 1, Ambush, Bandit, Demon, Devil (yea, we like the really odd, dark names), Doughboy, Hotdog, Jeckyl, Jedi, Nightstalker, Reaper, Savage, Scandal, Snoopy, Taco, Top Gun (dang right it’s real!), Voodoo, and Zombie – to name a few.

Pretty cool, we know. You can thank us later.

Clear Skies and Calm Winds,


SMAC052 – Insurance Discounts, Standardized Aircraft Rental Checkouts, @OpenAirplane


In Episode 51 we interviewed commercial pilot and co-founder of OpenAirplane, Rod Rakic, and learned about his flight adventures in Civil Air Patrol. Everything from how he got started to working his way up the ranks to mission pilot. Rod also shared some really neat information about the organization itself like how you can participate and many of the different types of volunteer opportunities available, even for the non-pilot out there.

Episode 52 is part 2 in this series where Rod explains everything there is to know about OpenAirplane and our predictions on how it’ll revolutionize the aircraft rental industry as you know it. Haven’t heard of OpenAirplane yet? Basically you’ll finally be able to rent an aircraft WITHOUT having to to do multiple checkouts for each FBO you fly out of. Yea, it’s the bomb, yo!

Now go grab a beverage, sit back, relax, and join us for Episode 52 sponsored by ForPilotsOnly.com.

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  • Favorite $100 Hamburger Joints – We’ve started an online discussion about favorite $100 hamburger joints and would love to hear from you. Tell us about your favorite spot be it the food, location, type of approach, etc. If you’ve got menu recommendations you can include those, too. Use #benburger to track the conversation on Twitter.

Cruise Flight

Show Notes

  • Meet Rod Rakic
  • Introducing OpenAirplne
  • How to help OpenAirplane get rolling
  • How OpenAirplane gives you a local briefing
  • OpenAirplane’s reputation system
  • Finding OpenAirplane online
  • OpenAirplane

After Landing Checklist

~ Picks of The Week ~

No Picks of the Week were included in this interview episode.

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